8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (2024)

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (1)

Collagen is the most bountiful protein that occurs throughout the body to hold it together especially in the skin, bones, and connective tissues by forming a scaffold to provide strength and structure, and also helps your blood clot and make the skin more elastic. Types of collagen include Endogenous collagen, which is naturally produced within the body and Exogenous collagen, synthetic collagen that comes from an outside source, such as supplements. Collagen is one of the major building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. From its Greek origin "kólla," which means glue, it works by holding these body’s important parts together.

How it works

Apart from the strengthening we get from this abundant protein, it also helps in maintaining good skin health and elasticity. Naturally, collagen is formed in the dermis, the middle part of the skin. It helps form a fibrous network of cells called fibroblasts where new cells can grow. It also provides optimal support in replacing and restoring dead skin cells.

Collagen production decreases over time

Younger people produce collagen more naturally than the aging ones who’s bodies have lesser ability to produce this protein; that’s why older people have thinner, sagging skin, wrinkles, and even joint pain. Most people turn to collagen supplements to address these problems, but if you prefer a more natural way of boosting your body’s ability to produce collagen, the foods in your table are just the right option. Here are powerful recipes to bring collagen production into a full blow.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (2)

Easy 30-Minute Salmon & Broccoli with Lemon Herb Sauce in Best Slow Cooker

Fishes are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary for skin health by helping to protect the fatty membrane that surrounds our skin cells and supporting the skin’s structure. Omega-3 fatty acids may also protect us against the sun’s harmful rays that cause collagen to break down. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (3)

Home Made Italian Tomato Sauce, Slow-Simmered in Clay

Red vegetables such as tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that acts as a sunblock and a collagen booster. Aside from lycopene, it also has high levels of vitamin C and potassium needed for collagen production and in transforming dull skin and restoring its glow. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (4)

Hot Spinach Cheese Dip--Delicious and Healthy in Clay

Apart from red veggies, dark green veggies are also rich in Vitamin C that is vital in collagen production. They are also rich sources of Vitamin A, another nutrient that can help boost the body’s collagen production, and antioxidants that prevent collagen from damage. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (5)

Yummy Candied Carrot Side—Quick and Easy in Clay

Orange vegetables are rich in Vitamin A that’s helpful in collagen production in the body and in aiding with skin elasticity and increasing blood flow to its surface. Vitamin C from carrots is also important in stimulating collagen production. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (6)

Creamy Avocado Soup In Vitaclay

Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which helps fight free radicals and provide omega-3 fatty acids, which increase collagen production. Avocados natural and healthy high in fat content is essential for plump, youthful skin. They also stimulate the production of anti-wrinkle collagen, making them the best food to eat for a healthy complexion. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (7)

Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast in VitaClay Fast Slow Cooker

Proteins are rich in amino acids involved in collagen production. Turkey is not only lean but also contains lysine, one of the major amino acids that facilitate collagen production. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (8)

Broccoli Beef in Clay: No More Need for Unhealthy Take-Out

Grass-fed meats are also good protein sources. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which plump up the cells, making them bouncy and full. This then translates to more youthful-looking skin. Pair it with dark green veggies such as broccoli and you’ll get a double collagen booster in one plate. Broccoli is a great source of Vitamin C which helps build collagen and antioxidants that fight free radicals that damage it. Get therecipe here.

8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (9)

Bone Broth in VitaClay

Bone broth is a liquid containing brewed bones and connective tissues from cow’s meat, chicken meat or even fish bones. Tissues and bones from bone broths contain collagen that turns into gelatin when cooked. The gelatin will then provide the body with amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Get therecipe here.

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8 Powerful Recipes That Naturally Boost Collagen Production (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.